Yooperlite Skull
Yooperlite Skull
Yooperlites are often referred to as mysterious glowing rocks because they are composed of Syenite and fluorescent Sodalite, which glows yellow and orange under UV light. Yooperlites come from the Upper Michigan Peninsula and are relatively new on the mineral scene.
Yooperlite is a stone of truth and allows one to recognize and express objectively one’s feelings. Yooperlite is said to release anger and negative thoughts, as well as helping to fight your fears and phobias. It is said to be great at helping someone with depression and anxiety. It creates a clear and perceptive mind, able to find inner peace. Yooperlite increases self-acceptance and self-confidence.
As a healing stone, Yooperlite is already gaining a reputation as a stone of self-expression. Yooperlite opens and activates the throat chakra, enabling emotional expression and the speaking of one’s truth. Yooperlite takes one on journeys of self-discovery to gain self-knowledge and personal growth. It also helps one to access their creativity and is even said to help one create a new and hopeful perspectives in their lives.
Yooperlite is found on the shores of the Upper Michigan Peninsula and loves to be charged with full moon light. It can also be cleansed/charged with running water, Selenite or other self-charging crystals, or sound.