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Pink Amethyst Heart on Stand

Pink Amethyst Heart on Stand

Regular price $100.00 USD
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Pink Amethyst is a newer stone that was recently discovered in Argentina. It’s beautiful pink coloring is a result of Hematite inclusions within the Amethyst. Due to its new discovery, Pink Amethyst is considered a relatively rare crystal. The metaphysical difference between regular (purple) amethyst and pink amethyst is that purple amethyst is good to reach perspective into the psychic realms whereas pink amethyst is more moderate and keeps things grounded to Earth-level focus.

While not much is known about the meaning of Pink Amethyst (due to its very recent discovery), it can be considered a stone of luck and could mean that the best is yet to come in life. It may also mean that we do not need to live under the false impression that we know everything already.

This stone carries a divine feminine element to its metaphysical properties. Pink Amethyst is considered a balancer, healer and comforter. This stone seeks to fill the heart with loving energy at all times, which is not common to normal Amethyst. The gentle loving energy of Pink Amethyst is deeply connected to the spirits, but in a healing way whereas Purple Amethyst is more connected to the psychic way. Intuition may increase and grow stronger when working alongside Pink Amethyst. This stone is great if you need comfort during times of sadness or grief, and it will give you a heightened sense of truth when facing adversity. During these times, it can be a great emotional balancer, helping one to stay calm and collected through the turmoil of life. It can also help in opening up the heart after a deeply traumatic experience. Pink Amethyst works closely with three different chakras: the heart, the third eye, and the crown.

Pink Amethyst is a great neutralizer of anxiety and can be used as a stress reliever. It may even be able to help some of the physical ailments associated with stress, such as gut issues, high blood pressure and headaches (if worn religiously). It may also induce lucid dreaming as it is closely associated with the mind and brain.

Pink Amethyst is not a self-cleansing stone and should be cleansed at least once a month if you are continuously working with it. It can be cleansed/charged by burying it in the garden, using running water, leaving it under the full moon, smoke or smudging, or even leaving it on a bed of salt.

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